Ensberg, Everett, and Lane Reach Deals; My Head Explodes
2006 Statistics: .235 BA, 23 HR, 58 RBI
2006 Statistics: .239 BA, 6 HR, 59 RBI
2006 Statistics: .205 BA, 15 HR, 45 RBI
I understand that pigs will fly before a player makes less the following year than he did the year before, but are you freaking kidding me? When you're supposed to protect Lance Berkman in the line-up, .235 ain't gonna cut it. Mo had an absolutely torrid April and a very nice May last year before completely imploding, admittedly in large part due to an injury, albeit one that he refused to let heal and insisted on playing through despite its obvious effect on his performance. Lane, after an extremely solid 2005, may have been the biggest disappointment on the entire team last year. He spent a good chunk of time in Round Rock, for chrissakes. And now he's a millionaire? I'll close with this...Adam Everett had a higher batting average and more RBI than either Ensberg or Lane. Adam Everett. The guy who hit. .239 with 59 RBI last season. Wrap your mind around that for a minute.
Needless to say, the only figure that even approaches reasonableness is Everett's salary, and that's primarily because you're paying him for his glove (.990 fielding percentage at a premium defensive position). I realize that management's hands are tied to a large degree in arbitration (e.g., you have to walk a fine line between arguing what a player is really worth and demeaning him to an extent that he'll refuse to re-sign with you when he becomes a free agent). But if .235 will get you a raise to $4.35 million, I need to reevaluate my career choice.