H-Town Sports

Houston Sports Blog - Real sports cities have TWO Conference USA teams

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Foot in Mouth - the Sequel

Charlie Pallilo of ESPN 790 pointed out to me that the Rockets do not have a second-round pick in 2005. That's why he's the pro, and I'm the amateur hack. However, should the Rockets trade for a second-round pick up to or during the draft Tuesday night, consider my 2nd round preview applicable (sarcasm dripping).

As an aside, speaking of ESPN 790, I wonder how badly Pallilo crushes David Dalati about the fact that Dalati's bio on the ESPN 790 website is found at http://www.espn790.com/charliepallilo.html. That's got to be the source of a little ribbing around the studio, one would think.


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