H-Town Sports

Houston Sports Blog - Real sports cities have TWO Conference USA teams

Monday, October 02, 2006

Thanks, 'Stros

Well, the Houston Astros were finally eliminated from playoff contention yesterday afternoon, losing 3-1 to the Braves. It stings a bit more than it might have in light of the Cards dropping their game to the Brewers, but such is life. The bottom line is that the 'Stros refused to quit and gave us meaningful September baseball again this season. Perhaps they underachieved this year (or maybe they merely overachieved these last couple of weeks), but it was a treat to watch them claw their way back into the race. I mean, what are the statistical chances that the Astros would win nine in a row at the exact same time St. Louis was losing eight in a row? Fractions of a percentage point, I would think.

With that in mind, I for one will appreciate the memories of the 2006 season. We could vent about them missing the playoffs, but I think that would be selling the efforts of the last few weeks short. If you had told me a month ago that the 'Stros would be eliminated from playoff contention on the last day of the season, I would have advised you to stop sniffing glue. Garner & Co. fought the good fight to the very end, and for that they should be commended. That, and they finally came to their senses about Mike Gallo. Opening Day is only six months away...


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